Security Alert
1) If you have File Attachment Module installed on your server and did not update it on or after March 15, 2010, please delete it immediately, then read further.
  • How to find: the file name is
  • How to check revision: open the file (it's plain text), look for line that reads # $Revision: 759 $. If the number is less than 759, the module you have on your server is vulnerable. Delete immediately.

2) If you use TTX v3.x (3.0 or 3.01) installed from a package downloaded from our web site prior to 1:00pm Eastern Daylight Time (GMT+4) March 16, 2010, please delete file immediately.
  • How to check revision: open the file (it's plain text), look for line that reads # $Revision: 765 $. If the number is less than 765, the module you have on your server is vulnerable. Delete immediately.

3) Check if the vulnerabilities were not exploited on your server. Look for unknown files, check for tampered files (pay attention to timestamps), browse server logs for unusual activity.

4) Download updated files from our server.

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